Case Study: Injury Management (#2)

Case Study: Injury Management (#2)

After several years of poor performance,  Aurenda implemented best practice processes and established a network of preferred medical and allied health providers. These processes were invaluable to the client, as they had historically struggled to establish such a network due to their remote and isolated worksites and ongoing difficulties with retrieving information from regional public hospitals and providers.

Aurenda also provided comprehensive training to the client’s internal personnel to ensure that all stakeholders were aware of their responsibilities as part of the injury management program. With site managers and supervisors now understanding their role and the impact they can have on reducing the human and financial cost of workplace injuries, Aurenda achieved an incurred cost reduction of 37% for the client in the first year.

In the long term, Aurenda have successfully reduced incurred costs year-on-year to what is now a 97% reduction in incurred claim’s costs since their engagement with Aurenda.

This reduction has not only led to the client experiencing significant premium reductions, but also achieving claim’s cost targets to receive the full potential or their Claims Experience Discounts (CEDs).