Following many years of poor performance that resulted in significant increases to the client’s insurance premiums, Aurenda were sought out and appointed on a trial basis to regain control of the client’s spiralling costs.
Aurenda undertook a strategic review of the Injury Management/Workers Compensation program and provided recommendations to improve processes and mitigate their current claims cost exposures.
Following the strategic review, Aurenda were engaged on a trial basis for a nine-month period, in which time-incurred costs were reduced by a total of 32%.
Aurenda were formally appointed by the client, and continued to reduce costs over the subsequent years, leading to an 86% cost reduction since initial engagement that resulted in an annual saving of approximately $1.23 million.
Aurenda mentored and trained the client’s internal resources, and upskilled them to the point that the client could then manage the day-to-day administration and response in-house with Aurenda: ultimately providing ongoing high level technical and strategic expertise.